Note that it is not possible to change the default keyboard shortcuts. You can however select a camera control scheme that matches your 3D CAD application. See Section 1. Navigation - Changing Control Scheme.
Screenshots are mostly from Lumion 2023 and have similar/same keyboard and UI navigation. There is a new Sidebar Menu as shown above.
1. Navigation
Keyboard Navigation:
W or Arrow Up | Move camera forward. |
S or Arrow Down | Move camera backward. |
A or Arrow Left | Move camera left. |
D or Arrow Right | Move camera right. |
Q | Move camera up. |
E | Move camera down. |
Change the Speed for Keyboard and Mouse:
SPACEBAR + Keyboard or Mouse | Very slowly. |
SHIFT + Keyboard or Mouse | Fast. |
SHIFT + SPACEBAR + Keyboard or Mouse | Very fast. |
Change the Speed for Keyboard Navigation:
SPACEBAR + W/S/A/D/Q/E | Move camera very slowly. |
SHIFT + W/S/A/D/Q/E | Move camera faster. |
SHIFT + SPACEBAR + W/S/A/D/Q/E | Move camera very fast. |
Look around:
RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Look around. |
MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Pan camera. |
SPACEBAR + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Pan camera very slowly. |
SHIFT + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Pan camera faster. |
SHIFT + SPACEBAR + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Pan camera very fast. |
Move camera forwards/backwards:
MOUSEWHEEL UP/DOWN | Move camera forwards/backwards. |
MOUSEWHEEL UP/DOWN + SPACEBAR | Move camera forwards/backwards very slowly. |
MOUSEWHEEL UP/DOWN + SHIFT | Move camera forwards/backwards faster. |
MOUSEWHEEL UP/DOWN + SHIFT + SPACEBAR | Move camera forwards/backwards very fast. |
Other Navigation and View Options:
CTRL + H | Reset camera pitch to horizontal viewpoint. |
O + RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Orbit camera. Move the camera so that the crosshairs [ ] are placed at the point on a model that you want to orbit around. |
Double-click with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON on models | Instantly teleport to the position that you clicked on. |
Double-click with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON on an Objects Icon |
Instantly move the camera to the model that you clicked on. |
Changing Control Scheme:
Settings -> Input-> Camera input |
For users of Sketchup, Revit and Rhino. Select your control scheme of choice. |
2. Settings and Sliders:
Function Key Settings:
F1 |
Editor Quality: 1 Star All shadow types are off. Note: also applies to the Preview for Photo Mode and Movie Mode, including High Quality Preview. Playback of video texture is held at the frame when the key is pressed. |
F2 |
Editor Quality: 2 Stars Lumion Landscape shadows and OmniShadow off, playback of video texture is held at the frame when the key is pressed. |
F3 |
Editor Quality: 3 Stars Lumion Landscape shadows off, playback of video texture is held at the frame when the key is pressed. |
F4 |
Editor Quality: 4 Stars Highest quality level. Everything on, playback of video texture occurs. |
F6 | Toggle between automatic and manual update of the High-Quality Preview. |
F7 |
Cycle through each of the five Editor Resolution levels. |
F8 | Hold down this key to temporarily show the shadows from Spotlights. |
F9 | Toggle between low-quality and high-quality trees and plants. |
F11 | Toggle between Build Mode and Theater Mode. Theater Mode hides the user interface in Build Mode. |
Other Settings:
Settings -> Full Screen |
Toggle between Full-screen and Windowed Mode. You can also use this in combination with F11 for a full screen Theatre Mode presentation. |
Sliders: Effects |
You can double-click on most sliders in Lumion to manually type in values. Press Shift while adjusting slider values to fine-tune them (more digits after the decimal point will be displayed). |
Sliders: updated User Interface sliders |
These sliders for the updated interface allow for a single click to type in. (example shown Materials Editor) For these you can also use the Shift key to show the non-rounded value of a slider: |
Keyboard: TAB key
TAB: Cycle/move through the fields for various settings where you are able to type in a value or text. Click in one of the fields and then press the TAB key to move to the next field. Currently, the order is not always as per visual order on the screen, for example, in the Color Picker the first ordered field is the R for RGB.
TAB + Shift: Reverse order to move through the fields.
3. Placing, selecting, copying, and moving
Place button:
LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Place a copy of the selected model from the Model Library. |
LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + V | Place a new model with +/-0 to 50% random scale. |
H + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Move the selected object(s) up or down when placing. |
Place button -> Line Placement/Mass Placement:
Lumion 2023.3.0 and newer: Line Placement
You can add multiple Objects to the selection from the active Object Categories. You can create a pool and select up to 20 Objects per Placement Line.
Note: Imported models, Groups, Lights, Nature\Fine-detail trees, Nature\Fine-detail plants, Effects\Sounds, Effects\Decals, and Utilities are not available in Line Placement as those should be placed individually.
Line Options:
When you place a Line and add one or more Control Points:
you have the option of switching between a smooth (spline) curved line or a straight line:
Placement Options:
Enable/disable Conform to Ground to let the objects align to the curve or to the ground.
Control Points are no longer limited to being on the Terrain or an Imported Model, but can be moved up into the sky.
When using the Line PLacement tool for 3D People make sure to click on the Pla ce On Ground button so they align vertically and not to the slope of the terrain:
Other Keys:
Enter | Accept the current Line and start a new Line. |
CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Add a Control Point to the current Line. | |
RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON | Remove a point from the current Line. |
Prior to Lumion 2023.3.0: Mass Placement:
Enter | Accept current Line and start a new Line. |
CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Add a point to the current Line. |
RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON | Remove a point from the current Line. |
Place button -> Cluster Placement:
L key + move mouse | Control the Cluster Range |
R key + move mouse | Control the rotation/Direction of the Objects. |
CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Cluster Placement: Place 10 copies of the selected model from the Model Library at random positions. |
CTRL + V + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Cluster Placement with random size: Place 10 copies of the selected model from the Model Library at random positions with +/-0 to 50% random size. |
Note: Imported models, Groups, Lights, Nature\Fine-detail trees, Nature\Fine-detail plants, Effects\Sounds, Effects\Decals, and Utilities are not available in Cluster Placement as those should be placed individually. This also applies to Paint Placement.
Select button:
CTRL + Drag with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Rectangular selection tool for selecting multiple objects. |
CTRL + Click on an Object Icon | Select/De-select each object from the current selection. |
CTRL + Click anywhere with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | De-select all objects. |
CTRL + SHIFT + Drag with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Add new rectangular selection to existing selection. |
Move free button:
Select Object Icon to Move freely:
Using the Gizmo to Move up/down or Move horizontally on each (world) axis of the Object:
See also:
- Knowledge Base: How do you use the (new) Gizmo tool?
Click on the red, blue or green arrows of the Gizmo to constrain the movement to an axis.
Gizmo: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Red arrow + Move mouse | Move along the X axis only. |
Gizmo: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Blue arrow + Move mouse | Move along the Z axis only. |
Gizmo: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Green arrow + Move mouse |
Move up or down along the Y axis only. |
Click on the red, blue or green squares of the Gizmo to constrain the movement to a plane along two of the axis:
- on Blue plane XY Space -up and down, left and right.
- on Green plane XZ Space -back and forward, left and right.
- on Red plane: YZ Space -up and down, back and forward.
Copy an Object:
ALT + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Duplicate selected object(s). |
ALT + click on the X, or Z or Y axis of the Gismo + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Copy an object using ALT key when pressed and constrain the movement for the copied Object along that axis. |
Place, Move free, Move up and Move horizontal:
G + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Place or move object(s) to make them snap to the Lumion Landscape while ignoring all other object types. |
F + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse |
Place or move object(s) to make their orientation adapt to the surface below them, provided that the surface is facing the sky, i.e. less than 90 degree angles. |
SHIFT + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Place or move object(s) horizontally with snapping turned off. |
Rotate button:
The Gizmo Tool provides for rotation in each axis.
Switch to Rotate Mode using the R key.
Change the heading of the selected Object Icon(s).
R + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse |
Change the heading of the selected object(s). |
SHIFT + Rotate selected object(s) | Temporarily turn the 45 degree angle snapping off. |
F + Rotate selected object(s) + Move the mouse cursor to another surface |
The heading of the selected objects will match the orientation of the surface below the mouse cursor. |
K + Rotate selected object(s) |
Make all of the objects face the mouse cursor. |
Scale button:
L + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse | Scale (size) an object using the mouse. |
Selecting a model when multiple Object Selection icons are aligned:
Multiple objects can be aligned or positioned at the same location. To select the model you want, you can either click on the model you want to select or you can use this method:
- Place the mouse over the Object Selection Icons.
- Use the W and S or Arrow Up and Arrow Down keys to cycle through the models.
- As you scroll through, each model will be highlighted in green.
- Click on the current Object Selection Icon to select it.
Auto-Snap Tool:
Instantly align/snap your objects to a face of one of the Objects in your Project, while placing or moving it.
Snap (was F + Rotate selected object(s) + Move ) now uses this specialized tool.
In Place Mode, the Auto-Snap Tool is always visible. And in Select Mode, it only becomes visible when a certain ('smart') object is selected.
Auto Snap - Objects Category: Models from the Objects Category will snap and align to the surface of an Imported Model. Some object types like chairs will by default stay on the ground and align to the vertical surface. Objects like canvasses, posters, pictures, and paintings will snap and align to a vertical surface. But can also be moved vertically.
Auto Snap - People and Animals Category: Seated characters from the Object Library will snap and align to chairs for quick, easy placement.
4. Build Mode - Lumion Library, Imported Models Library:
Mouse middle scroll button | scroll forward and back to move through the pages |
Mouse back button or Backspace button (keyboard) |
Exit a Folder or Collection and go up to the next level. Same as clicking on the Back button: |
5. Photo Mode:
CTRL + 1 2 3 ... 9 0 | Use these keys to save up to 10 camera viewpoints in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode. When using MyLumion, the Photos are saved only for MyLumion Panorama Viewpoints. |
SHIFT + 1 2 3 ... 9 0 | Load previously saved camera Viewpoints. The saved slots are also available as easily accessible thumbnail images in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode. |
Ctrl+C / Ctrl+ V | Keyboard Copy and Paste a Photo to another Photo slot. Alternative to using the Context Menu. |
Photo Matching Effect:
SHIFT | Hold down this key while dragging points on the red and blue lines to move them more accurately. |
Orthographic View Effect: Align camera with surface
F | Press this key to align the camera so that it is perpendicular to the surface at the center of the 3D view. |
6. Movie Mode:
CTRL + 1 2 3 ... 9 0 | Use these keys to save up to 10 camera Viewpoints in Photo Set 1 while editing a camera animation in a Clip. |
SHIFT + 1 2 3 ... 9 0 | Load previously saved camera Viewpoints. The saved slots are also available as easily accessible thumbnail images in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode. |
CTRL (while rendering) |
While rendering, hold down this key to show the frames per second. |
CTRL (while mouse cursor is over the Timeline Slider) |
The frame count can now be displayed above the Timeline by pressing the CTRL key whilst the mouse is over the Timeline Slider. If you select to render to a frame range, the Timeline Slider displays the frame count by default, until you choose to render with another option. Whilst using the frame range option, you can toggle the display to show the seconds counter using the CTRL key whilst the mouse cursor is over the Timeline Slider. |
SPACEBAR (while mouse cursor is over the Timeline Slider) |
Plays or stops the Movie Preview in Movie Mode. Plays or stops the Clip Preview in the Clip Editor. |
Ctrl+C / Ctrl+ V | Keyboard Copy and Paste a Clip to another Clip slot. Alternative to using the Context Menu. |
Mass Move Effect:
CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON | Add a Node to the current Path. |
RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON | Remove a Node from the current Path. |
SHIFT | A line is drawn to preview curves and smoothing of the Path. |
7. 360 Panorama Mode:
Ctrl+C / Ctrl+ V | Keyboard Copy and Paste a 360 Panorama Viewpoint to another 360 Panorama Viewpoint slot. Alternative to using the Context Menu. |
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