- What happens when your Lumion Subscription License Key expires?
- How do Subscription Licenses work?
- How does the License System work?
- Why are Project files from the student and commercial editions of Lumion not compatible between each other?
- How do you get the latest Upgrade or Update of Lumion?
- How do you upgrade Lumion and your License Key?
- Is it possible to upgrade from Lumion to Lumion Pro?
- What do you do if your Student License Key is about to expire or has expired?
- How do you get the latest version of Lumion?
- Why can't you open a Project from other editions such as the commercial product in the Lumion Pro Student edition?
- How do you release a Lumion License Key?
- Can you merge License Keys?
- How do you transfer your License Key rather than reinstall Lumion?
- Why have you not received your Lumion Pro Student?
- Can you use Lumion without an internet connection?
- Where can you find the Lumion product and version details?
- Are network (floating) License Keys available?