1. How do you import the assets in Lumion?
IMPORTANT: You will need to update Lumion to the newest available version for the assets to load as expected. Please make sure to install as per the article below:
- Knowledge Base: How does the Updater for Lumion work?
1.1: Load the Project file associated with the asset pack:
1.2: After that, all assets will be present in your Library:
1.3: Any of them can be placed into any other Project:
2. How do you import the assets in your 3D software?
2.1: With most 3D software, you only need to drag and drop one of the .FBX files:
2.2: Or you can select File -> Import, and choose the file:
2.3: In both cases, the model will show up in your 3D software:
2.4: You can edit the model in your CAD software, resave it in a format that Lumion supports:
- Knowledge Base: How do you import a model from your CAD software?
And then import it into Lumion using the Import new model feature:
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