Need help with these situations?
1. You want to apply for a new License Key but when you try, it says that you already have one:
As a student you may have applied via our online application form.
Your application is reviewed by SheerID so that you meet the requirements of providing the 365 day free Lumion Student Pro.
If you try applying again, but a previous application already existed, and you were already approved, then you will get this message from the application steps or from SheerID.
It's likely that you did not receive our Getting started with Lumion email when you re-applied.
Check your emails:
Please recheck your emails including any spam and junk bins or promotion( Gmail) or other tabs it could have gone to.
Still unable to find our Getting Started email?
Resend the email
If you cannot find the email, use our self-service to get the email resent:
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the email with the Lumion download link?
Contact Us:
If you no longer have access to that email address:
If you cannot find the email:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Technical Support
2. It says verification limit exceeded:
Your application or an email from SheerID is advising that you have already exceeded the limit.
That means that you are adding too many new applications when you already have an application in progress.
Please check your emails for contact from SheerID.
Based on their request for further information, or if you are unable to locate any advice from them, then contact SheerID direct, :
- External Link: Contact SheerID
3. You are not sure how to apply:
Have you followed these steps:
- Knowledge Base: Is there an educational or student version of Lumion?
Contact us to get further help:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Technical Support
4. You are not getting a response from our local Partner in your region after you contacted or applied with them:
Sorry to hear you have not yet had a response.
Please allow for up to 48 hours.
If after that time frame you have still not heard back, then, in the first instance, please try contacting them directly:
- Lumion website: Contact our local Lumion Partner
Still no contact after 24 hours? Please contact us so we can assist:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Technical Support
5. You applied online here via our student application form and have not heard back:
The application is administered by SheerID.
Check in your email if you have received a reply from them.
If you have any questions or need to provide further information for the application, then in the first instance please contact them directly:
- External Link: Contact SheerID
Still having problems? Let us help:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Technical Support
6. You don't know or are unsure on how to get Lumion Student Pro:
If you have re-applied for an expired License Key:
If you have not yet applied, follow the steps in this article and apply:
- Knowledge Base: Is there an educational or student version of Lumion?
7. You don't know or are unsure on how to download Lumion Student Pro:
Follow the steps in this article:
- Knowledge Base: Download Lumion or Lumion Pro
Important: only the latest version of Lumion is directly available.
8. Is there a version for the hardware you have?
8.1: Use the current release
We highly recommend using the currently released version:
- Knowledge Base: Latest News
- Knowledge Base: Lumion 2024 Pro Student is now available for Students and Faculty
It is possible to get an older version via your Lumion Account.
Note: The versions available all have very similar requirements for hardware. All versions require that your system is up-to-date for Windows and graphics card drivers:
8.2: Unsure or want to check on your PC hardware
If you are unsure or think the PC hardware does not meet requirements for Lumion, check out the main requirements here:
- Lumion website: Lumion System Requirements
If you are not sure about using the PC hardware you have, or you are thinking of getting a different PC, then contact us for advice, Please see at least the System Requirements mentioned above:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Technical Support
Here's some further details on hardware that will work with Lumion:
- Knowledge Base: What kind of computer does Lumion 2024 need?
- Knowledge Base: Which graphics card do you need for Lumion 2024?
- Knowledge Base: Which laptop PCs do you recommend for Lumion 2024?
And if you are using a Mac then that hardware is generally not compatible with Lumion and you will need to get access to a Windows based PC/Laptop:
- Lumion website (see: System Requirements FAQ): Lumion System Requirements
- Knowledge Base: Can you install Lumion on a Mac?
9. What should you do once you have your Lumion Student License Key issued?
Congratulations. We look forward to you making great visualizations with Lumion. Here's your next step:
- Knowledge Base: Do you have a Getting Started checklist?
See also 7 and 8 above regarding hardware.
10. Can't find your License Key:
10.1: If you have applied and been approved for Lumion Student Pro
The License Key is located in the Getting Started with Lumion email we sent you. Please check your emails at the address you used when applying.
If you cannot find the email, use our self-service to get the email resent (requires a valid email used to apply and issue Lumion):
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the email with the Lumion download link?
10.2: If you have not yet applied for Lumion Student Pro, follow these steps:
- Knowledge Base: Is there an educational or student version of Lumion?
10.3: Lumion Account
Please keep in mind that having a Lumion Account does not automatically provide you with a License Key. You need to apply.
11. If your License Key is no longer working:
If your License Key is no longer working and the 3675 days since issue has passed, then the License Key is now invalid. It becomes disabled, and has expired, and it is not valid.
See this article on reapplying:
12. If you are a student but do not have a License Key, follow the steps in this article:
- Knowledge Base: Is there an educational or student version of Lumion?
13. You want to renew/upgrade your Lumion Student Pro License:
14. How do you install the Lumion Student Pro edition?
Follow the steps from our Getting Started with Lumion email we sent you. It will be available in the email address you used for your application.
If not done so, you need to create a Lumion Account. Then you can Register the License Key (from the email).
Once that is done, simply download and install Lumion Student Pro from your Lumion Account:
- Knowledge Base: What is a Lumion Account?
- Knowledge Base: Download Lumion or Lumion Pro
See Also:
- Lumion website: Lumion for education - Apply for a free educational license
- Knowledge Base: What do you do if your Student License Key is about to expire or has expired?
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