1. Background:
1.1: You see only the yellow lines
After selecting a CAD model file to import, only yellow lines appear in Lumion.
You are unable to see the model.
The model has imported, but the thumbnail for it in the Imported Models Library appears black or empty as if no model was imported. In some cases, however, the thumbnail does show the model.
1.2: Selecting the Model
If you have Placed the Imported Model in to the Scene in Build Mode, you can usually see and locate the Object Icon.
However, there is still no model seen. But the model name is in the Properties (top right of screen)
The Bounding Box (blue lines when the Object Icon is selected) of the model stretches out very far away.
2. Cause:
The position of the model in your CAD software is very far from world center.
3D graphics cards have certain limits in terms of how numbers are stored.
To work within that requirement, Lumion requires that the model be closer to or at world center (0,0,0).
Ensure that, where possible, the Positioning Point (Object Icons Position) is within the Editable (inner) region of Lumion for best rendering quality.
3. How to Fix Things:
In your CAD software move the model as close as possible to world center.
In some LiveSync you can change what positioning point should be used. For example if you use Revit, then select the 'Base Point' rather than the 'Survey Point' to export or LiveSync (direct) your model. So long as the 'Base Point' is close to the world center.
See also the Troubleshooting sections in the article for your CAD.
- Knowledge Base: How do you import a model from your CAD software?
See Also:
- Knowledge Base: Why is your model invisible or black after importing it?
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