1. Here's how to save a Lumion Project (if we ask for this file type)
1.1: Lumion 10.0 and newer:
- Files -> Save or Save as... to save an .LS10 Project file:
1.2: Lumion 9.5 and older:
See section 4 below if you need to save a Scene in Lumion 7.5 or older versions.
2. Zip the relevant files
2.1: Zipping the files will make them smaller so they upload faster:
- External Link: Windows 10: Zip and unzip files
You can also use your own compression tools such as 7Zip or WinZip.
3. Upload the .ZIP file and send us a download link
3.1: The next step is to upload your .ZIP files to a file host of your choice and send us the download link:
Examples of file hosts:
- Dropbox
File transfer services:
- swisstransfer.com (Free with up to 50GB)
- wetransfer.com (Free 2 GB transfers)
- transfer.pcloud.com (Free 5 GB transfers)
- file transfer service of your choice
If you use a file transfer service, simply set the sender and recipient to your own email address. When the download link arrives in your inbox, copy-paste it into your reply to us in your Support Request:
Important - Allow Access Now:
If you use your own account in Dropbox, GDrive, OneDrive, or another service then please ensure you give us access. Assign the recipient access to our general Technical Support email address:
4. Here's how to save a Lumion Scene in older versions of Lumion
4.1: Lumion 8 and Lumion 9:
- Files -> Save Scene tab -> Save as... to save an .LS8 or .LS9 Scene file:
4.2: Lumion 6.0-7.5 only:
- Files -> Save Scene and Models tab -> Save Scene and Models
4.3: Lumion 5 and older:
The 2 scene files are located in Documents/Lumion 5/Scenes:
- SceneName.SPR
- SceneName.SVA
The up to 4 files per Imported Model are located in Documents/Lumion 5/Library:
- ModelName.LIB
- ModelName.LIB.MTT
- ModelName.LIB.INN
- ModelName.LIB.TXX
Video Textures are located in Documents/Lumion (Version)/Miscellaneous/Video Textures:
- VideoTextureName.MP4
Custom music/sound files are located in Documents/Lumion (Version)/Miscellaneous/Sound:
- SoundFileName.WAV
4.4: When you have located the relevant files, please zip and upload them by following the instructions in sections 2 and 3 above.
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