1. Here's how to do it in Lumion 8 and newer versions
- Lumion 7 and older: Please see section 2 below.
1.1: Import the model in Lumion and assign a Standard Material to the surface for the TV screen:
1.2: Click on the Color Map slot. An Open file dialog window appears so that you can select a Video Texture file:
Lumion 12:
Lumion 11:
1.3: Select the .MP4 file you want to show as playing on the TV screen:
- Lumion 11 and newer: The .MP4 file size is unrestricted.
- Lumion 8-10: The .MP4 file size must be smaller than 50 MB.
- Please note that Lumion does not play the sound from the Video Texture.
- To ensure smooth playback, the resolution should be as low as possible, for example, 640x360 pixels.
1.4: Adjust the Standard Material properties to your liking. You may want to increase the Emissive slider value a little to make the TV screen emissive. Use the Scale slider and the X/Y/Z Offset sliders on the Position tab to make sure that the Video Texture covers the whole TV screen:
If you prefer to place the Video Texture in your 3D modeling software, please follow the instructions in step 2.1 below.
1.5: Click the tick button to save the changes. The .MP4 video will play continuously in a loop in the Material Editor Mode.
The first frame of the video texture is always displayed when rendering Photos in Photo Mode. Switch to Movie Mode and adjust the Timeline slider if you want to render a different Video Texture frame.
- Playback of the Video Texture will be paused: If the (Build Mode) Editor Quality is set to 1, 2, or 3 stars (F1, F2, or F3) in Lumion 10.3 and newer versions. And you are not using the Material Editor. This is done to reduce the impact on performance while editing scenes.
2. Here's how to do it in Lumion 7 and older
- Lumion 8 and newer: Please see section 1 above.
2.1: You will need to make sure in your 3D modeling application, that the TV screen has been mapped with a proxy (temporary) texture to the same aspect ratio as the .MP4 video file you want to show on the screen in Lumion, for example, 16:9 format. The proxy texture should cover the whole screen and must not tile across it:
2.2: Import the model in Lumion and assign a Standard Material to the TV screen:
2.3: Click on the Color Map slot. An Open file dialog window appears, so that you can select a Video Texture file:
2.4: Select the .MP4 file you want to show as playing on the TV screen:
- The .MP4 file size must be smaller than 50 MB.
- Please note that Lumion does not play the sound from the Video Texture.
- To ensure smooth playback, the resolution should be as low as possible, for example, 640x360 pixels.
2.5: Adjust the Standard Material properties to your liking. You may want to increase the Emissive slider value a little to make the TV screen emissive. Make sure that the Scale slider is set to 0, so that the Imported Texture Placement from your 3D modelling application is used:
2.6: Click the tick button to save the changes. The MP4 video in your scene will play continuously in a loop. The first frame of the video texture is always displayed when rendering still images in Photo Mode. Switch to Movie Mode and adjust the Timeline slider if you want to render a different Video Texture frame.
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