1. Here's how
There are two ways to animate clouds in Lumion: use the Sky and Clouds Effect or the Volume Clouds Effect.
The Volume Clouds Effect renders volumetric, three-dimensional clouds that the camera can fly through.
The camera can't fly through the clouds of the Sky and Clouds Effect.
2. Sky and Clouds Effect:
2.1: In Movie Mode, add the Sky and Clouds Effect to a Clip or to Entire Movie:
Lumion 23:
Lumion 12:
Lumion 11:
2.2: Set the Cloud Speed slider to a higher value. Alternatively, animate the Position slider instead. Please click on the link below to see how to animate effect sliders.
- Knowledge Base: How do you animate Movie Effects?
TIP: To change the direction of the clouds using the Cloud Direction slider, set the Cloud Speed to a value greater than 0.
In Photo Mode the Cloud Speed is set to 0 to 'freeze' the animation for a photo. In this case, the cloud direction cannot be changed. If you do need the cloud direction to be set to a specific direction for a photo, then use Movie Mode and render to a Current Frame from a Clip to set the direction.
3. Volume Clouds Effect:
3.1: In Movie Mode, add the Volume Clouds Effect to a Clip or to Entire Movie:
Lumion 23:
Lumion 12:
Lumion 11:
3.2: Set the Speed slider to a higher value. Alternatively, animate the Position slider instead. Please click on the link below to see how to animate effect sliders.
- Knowledge Base: How do you animate Movie Effects?
3.3: The Volume Clouds Effect should ideally be rendered in maximum star quality. Otherwise, the clouds will not have the best look of volume clouds.
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