1. When do you need to upgrade a License Key?
1.1: Commercial users with a Subscription License: The Lumion License Key is valid during the duration of the term it was purchased for (1-year or 3-year). Once it expires, you will need to renew your Subscription License Key to continue receiving updates of the product and future versions. More information is found below:
- Knowledge Base: 3. Subscription renewals and changes
1.2: Commercial users with a Perpetual License: You can keep using an existing Lumion License Key for as long as you want as a commercial Lumion License Key will never expire (Perpetual).
If you want to upgrade a Lumion 1-12 Perpetual License Key to the most recent Subscription version (now Lumion 2024), please visit the Upgrade page:
- Lumion website: Upgrade page
In case you have upgraded your Perpetual License Key to a Subscription License Key please check section 3. of the article below:
1.2: Students and Educational users: If you have a current License Key then any upgrade is notified to you as in our article on version upgrades. For example:
1.3: If you already have a Lumion 12 Perpetual License Key, you do not need to upgrade your License Key in order to download and install new Lumion 12.x updates. All 12.x updates are free for existing Lumion 12 License Key holders.
- Knowledge Base: How do Lumion updates work?
2. How do you get the latest version of Lumion?
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the latest Upgrade or Update of Lumion?
2.1: To see what the latest version is and what has changed, please click on the link below and then click on the article that corresponds to the version you are interested in:
- Knowledge Base: Latest News
2.2: To download Lumion, please follow the instructions in this article:
- Knowledge Base: Download Lumion and Lumion Pro
2.3: If you can't find the Getting Started with Lumion email, please click on the link below and follow the instructions :
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the email with the Lumion download link?
See also:
- Knowledge Base: Are Lumion updates free?
- Knowledge Base: How do you migrate to a newer version of Lumion?
- Web Site: Upgrade policy
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