1. Here are some other 3D modeling software Lumion might import from:
Please note that Lumion does not officially support the following software.
Technical Support will however try as much as is possible to assist with any issues, if they arise from the export process.
Any import is reliant on the export process that these software provide. Lumion has no control over for the format or model data. That is, there could be some interpretation differences for the 3D model data or materials.
The preferred 3D model file formats for Lumion are FBX, SKP, Collada DAE, DWG.
This article provides a list of all compatible formats for Lumion:
- Knowledge Base: How do you import a model from your CAD software?
We suggest as a starting point to do some tests and try out Lumion using the Lumion Trial:
- Knowledge Base: Is there a Trial of Lumion?
As of September 2022 with some minor updates since. This is a collection of findings from various inquiries. Please use it on this limited basis. If you have any questions or are aware that since our updates the software now has an export feature we are not yet aware of, then please Contact Us.
2. Menu - Other 3D software:
3. Other 3D software
The user exports their model with FBX.
3.2: CATIA
Catia may export .DWG and .DXF files. Lumion can import preferably DWG.
The website below might offer more info, but it looks a bit outdated.
- External Link: Catia Export
3.3: CET Designer
- External Link: CET Designer: (a product layout software eg for offices)

The following are the only formats in common.
- External Link: CET Designer documentation:
You can export CET Designer drawings to the CAD file formats .dwg and .dxf.
CET Designer exports to DWG. However, the site was referring to drawings. So it's not certain if that also means from the 3D models created by Designer. Lumion will import some line work, but the primary model formats must be in 3D for 3D rendering.
Unfortunately, although it looks like CET Designer imports SketchUp, it does not export to SketchUp.
3.4: Civil 3D
The recommended file format for models from Civil 3D is the .FBX format, so it should be possible to import a model in Lumion.
Is there a plugin that allows you to convert your Civil 3D scene that does not have any 3D objects into 3D for Lumion?
There is no plugin that makes 3D objects from what might be a 2D plan or line work. The important thing is that you must be able to convert the scene into 3D models for import to Lumion because Lumion supports 3D data only.
Some of our customers have successfully transferred models from Civil 3D to AutoCAD and from AutoCAD to Lumion via .DWG format. If you want to go down this route, please note that the model has to be moved to 0,0,0 in the World Coordinate System in AutoCAD, before saving the .DWG file and importing it in Lumion.
3.5: EliteCAD
Export Options from web site:
From the EliteCAD web site:
3.6: Envisioneer products
(as at 26 May 2020)
Based on their web site and details on integration, and excluding the left column for the Personal Architect, Envisioneer products support either DWG or Skp (SketchUp) both supported by Lumion:
The only 3D formats compatible, even though Lumion supports other formats such as DXF and 3ds, are 3D DWG and Skp.
The problem might be in how much mileage you get from the export workflow. In other words, you might find that one model exported to Skp works OK, but then another one, for example, might have some issues with overlapping surfaces or materials.
Note that Lumion can directly import DWG and Skp files. So you do not need to have a workflow requiring import to an AutoCAD software or SketchUp first, then exporting to Lumion. That is, unless there are issues with the model or materials that need fixing beforehand.
3.7: form•Z:
form•Z (V9) supports the following export file formats:
Exports SKP, DWG, DXF, SAT, STEP, DAE, and STL for 3D printing.
SketchUp SKP updated and now includes export.
- External Link: WHAT IS NEW IN form•Z v9
Some users have successfully used Collada DAE. However, it might be that export to SketchUp .Skp so that Lumion can then import directly is also a viable format for you to use.
See this blog article using FBX (December 18, 2017):
- External Link: Exporting FormZ Models to Lumion
(recent check @ January 2022: web site no longer active)
Here is my recipe for exporting my models out of FormZ (8.5/6) so Lumion reads them correctly:
Scale of model. To resolve this problem, you need to check the model's units in Form-Z and the export scaling/transformation.
There is also a risk of exporting randomized material names from Form-Z - unless you export the model using .DAE format with 'Grouping Method' as 'By Object' instead of 'By Group' in the export options.
- External Link: LightWave 2019 Reference: Interchange
Method A: Export an .FBX file
The exporter for FBX has different options, such as Binary or ASCII types, and allows you to save as different FBX versions.
Method B: Export a .DAE file
The exporter for Collada will save as a .dae file and offers the opportunity to scale the scene for use with other applications.
Obj: is also available however is not recommended due to scale problems as .Obj has unitless data.
3.9: Microvellum
A user will only be doing interiors with kitchens being the main focus. Microvellum makes their cabinets using a ton of layers and the user wants to be able to control the materials very specifically.
Microvellum should work similarly to AutoCAD in the sense that Lumion will always combine surfaces that use the same material in AutoCAD. If you want to assign a Lumion material to a specific surface, you must assign a unique material to that surface in, for example, AutoCAD before importing the model.
If you haven't read it already, there is more information in step 5.2 of the article below:
- Knowledge Base: Model import guidelines for Autodesk AutoCAD
Yes I got it to work actually. I was very happy. I had to go to the settings in which Microvellum applies specific materials to layers. It was actually way easier than changing layers through properties.
3.10: MODO
MODO provides for two model file formats that Lumion might import. Specific files or models have not been tested so your mileage might vary, however there seems to be good support for DAE and FBX.
COLLADA 1.4.1 (*.dae) | Autodesk DXF (*.dxf) |
Autodesk FBX 2015 (*.fbx) | Autodesk FBX 2013 (*.fbx) |
We suggest trying FBX first.
- External Link: Foundary - MODO: Importing and Exporting File Formats
- External Link: Foundry - MODO Interface - Preferences: FBX Compatibility-- (shows FBX 2018 only)
Note: Modo's default unit is 1 m, which matches Lumion.
3.11: Realtime Landscaping Architect
Only supports its own internal file format when saving files .rla.
Realtime Landscaping Architect can export a plan to image and PDF file formats or render a view to an image format. But there is no export to 3D mesh formats for model data that we are aware of.
3.12: SEMA
Preference is for Obj because DXF is not always well represented for 3D.
Note: tests of some user files exported to .3ds will not only cause a crash for Lumion but also other 3D modeling software such as 3ds Max and Rhino.
Amend Units of Measure:
If the .DXF format is chosen, you need to rescale the model units to the correct size. It's possible to do that by opening the file in Notepad or NotePad++.
After the file is exported, right-click the .DXF -> Open with... -> Select from the list or browse for Notepad/Notepad ++.
Once opened, replace the value above from whatever it is set (in this example it's 4 and it's the equivalent to millimetres) to either 2 or 6 depending on what measurement option they use in Lumion (Settings) from the list below and save the file (Ctrl+S):
0 = Unitless | 1 = Inches | 2 = Feet |
3 = Miles | 4 = Millimeters | 5 = Centimeters |
6 = Meters | 7 = Kilometers |
This will change the units, and then the model should import without any scale issues.
3.13: Structure Studios: Vip3D or Pool Studio
According to Structure Studios help page on exporting there is no support for exporting 3D models. And the closest is Autodesk AutoCAD DXF but that is in 2D only and Lumion needs a 3D (mesh) model to work with.
- External Link: Structure Studios Help: Exporting and Importing
Vip3D allows for importing of 3D models from .SKP and .FBX model file formats but no export.
3.14: 2020 Design (kitchen/bathroom/office) software
- External Link: 2020 Design
2020 Design models can be exported to .DWG (AutoCAD) or .DAE formats, both of which are supported formats and Lumion can import them directly, subject to the note at the top of this page.
We've had users in the past that reported being able to successfully import 2020 Design models as .DAE. However, it is likely that now the DWG format might be the best option.
4. Tips & Troubleshooting:
4.1: Why can't you see the model after importing and placing it in your Scene?
- The Insertion Point for the Imported Model in Lumion corresponds to 0,0,0 in the 3D modeling software.
- If a model is far away from the Insertion Point in Lumion, you need to move the model closer to 0,0,0 in the 3D modeling software, before exporting it to Lumion.
4.2: Why can't you assign a Lumion material to individual surfaces?
- Lumion will always combine surfaces that use the same material in the 3D modeling software. If you want to assign a Lumion Material to a specific surface, you must assign a unique material to that surface in the 3D modeling software before importing the model.
See also:
- Video Tutorial: Lumion 12: Import Your Design Model
- Knowledge Base: Import & Export Questions
- Knowledge Base: How do you import a model from your CAD software?
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