1. Here's how
If you change PCs then to keep all files for the Imported Model Libraries and your Custom Materials etc you need to copy or move them from one PC to the other.
Preference is to copy and paste across, then remove (as needed) the files on the old PC, once you are happy that the files have successfully been transferred.
You may also want to first make a backup of the files as a backup or other copy that you can access later on if needed.
Here are the folders and files you need to transfer (copy and paste) across to keep things the same as before. Excludes external videos used in any Clips based on a Movie From File.
If you do not need the files in the following folders then you can simply use the LS Project file as in section 5 below.
2. Main Lumion folder
Using Windows File Explorer you can choose to simply transfer across the main Lumion folder in the Documents folder for the version you are using.
For example Documents\Lumion 12.0 from the OLD PC to the NEW PC.
Or transfer these main folders.
3. Imported Models, Groups, Custom Materials, and Recent Projects
3.1: Please open your version of Lumion first. Doing so will create a number of folders in the Documents folder.
3.2: Then copy the folders as shown below (provided that they exist) and restart Lumion:
- Documents\Lumion [version]\GroupLibrary(OLD PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\Library (OLD PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\Materials (OLD PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\Recent (OLD PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\GroupLibrary(NEW PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\Library (NEW PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\Recent (NEW PC)
- Documents\Lumion [version]\Materials\Custom (NEW PC) (Note: a new subfolder Custom is required).
Note: If you are transferring from a version before Lumion 2023 to Lumion 2023 or newer then there is now no version reference in the folder name. That is, the folders are, Documents\Lumion.
See also section 6 below for the folder location if you have or wish to move your Lumion-Documents folder location.
4. Favorites
4.1: To transfer your Favorites from the Imported Model Library and the Lumion Object Library, please:
- Copy the file Settings[Version].ini from Documents\Lumion [version] (OLD PC).
- Paste it in the Documents\Lumion [version] (NEW PC) folder.
5. Projects/Scenes
All that's needed is to copy or move the LS Project files you have from one PC to the other.
All content of the Project is packaged within the LS Project file so when you open it on the other PC, it will load with all Imported Models, materials, and other content in place.
Any Clips based on a Movie From File are located in the original folder on the OLD PC so you would need to copy or move that MP4 file across to the NEW PC.
6. For a change in the Location of the Lumion-documents user folder:
- Knowledge Base: How do you change the location of the Lumion-documents folder?
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