Installing or Uninstalling Lumion
You have been trying to install or uninstall Lumion, but there is a problem with one or more of the files and the Lumion Installer (also referred to as Installer) shows an error message.
Please follow the instructions in the sections below that correspond to the error message you are seeing.
If you are having problems with using the Updater once Lumion has been installed? See this article, Section 7:
- Knowledge Base: How does the Updater for Lumion work?
Error Message:
1. Extracting the installation files has failed.
2. Error Message: Uninstallation failed (Windows Registry problem).
3. Error Message: Uninstallation failed (missing uninstall000.dat file).
4. Uninstall script has failed, cannot continue.
5. ShellExecute error on bat scripts for install or uninstall.
And if after trying the suggested fix you still get the same error message or have other problems then see Section 6. Still not working? Contact Us.
Why is the installation not working?
1. Error Message: Extracting the installation files has failed.
[Our reference: Inst17, 10544]
The administrative permissions for your Windows user account changed during installation. Or, suddenly there is not enough disk space anymore (for example you were also downloading or saving other files in the background).
How To Fix:
1.1: See the steps in Section 12. Error Message: Not enough disk space in this article:
1.2: Please make sure you have the correct permissions to write files:
See the steps on How to Fix in Section 7. Error Message: Could not write setup file of this article:
2. Error Message: Uninstallation failed (Windows Registry problem).
[Our reference: Inst18, 10654]
Note: Sections 2 and 3 have the same error message for the Installer. Please follow the steps in each section.
You tried uninstalling Lumion correctly by using Windows Apps & Features -> Uninstall. However, the Windows Registry entries for the Lumion install cannot be found. Something changed the Registry entries.
The uninstall is unable to start.
How To Fix:
Try uninstalling Lumion from its install folder.
2.1: Locate Lumion.exe for the version you want to uninstall by using Windows File Search. Confirm that is indeed the version to be uninstalled.
2.2: In the root install folder, for example, C:\Program Files\Lumion [version] you should find the file: uninstall000.exe.
2.3: Open/double-click the file to start the uninstallation.
If the uninstall000.dat file is valid the uninstall can proceed and it will show an error at the end of the uninstall that the Windows Registry entries are not removed but everything else should uninstall OK.
3. Error Message: Uninstallation failed (missing uninstall000.dat file).
[Our reference: Inst19, 10666]
Note: Sections 2 and 3 have the same error message for the Installer. Please follow the steps in each section.
Reading of the uninstall000.dat file was not possible. This file is needed to remove the files from the install folder.
Without it, you need to remove the files manually.
How To Fix:
Option 1:
In Windows File Explorer delete all files and folders in the install folder. Note: this is not preferred as it does not remove entries in the Windows Registry.
If you need our help on these steps click on this Contact Us button:
Option 2:
Install Lumion again to that same folder. If the installation proceeds without issue then it will overwrite all files and update both the uninstall000.dat file and the Windows Registry.
Then you should be able to uninstall via Windows or the uninstall000.exe. as in the steps for Section 2 above, Error Message: Uninstallation failed.
4. Error Message: Uninstall script has failed, cannot continue.
[Our reference: Inst22, 10713]
This can happen when a '.bat' script is blocked by antivirus software.
How To Fix:
See steps in Section 3.2: Antivirus or Firewall is blocking the Installer in this article:
- Knowledge Base: How do you resolve Installer (v2) problems - Download issues?
5. Error Message: ShellExecute error on bat scripts for install or uninstall.
[Our reference: Inst23, 10816]
The Installer or Uninstaller '.bat' scripts are blocked by antivirus software.
How To Fix:
See steps in Section 3.2: Antivirus or Firewall is blocking the Installer in this article:
- Knowledge Base: How do you resolve Installer (v2) problems - Download issues?
6. Still not working? Contact Us:
Click on this Contact Us button and let us know the error message and 'Our reference' as shown with each message in the above sections. Also, please attach to your Support Request the logfile.txt file that should be in the same folder that the Installer is:
See Also:
- Knowledge Base: How do you resolve Installer (v2) problems - Download issues?
- Knowledge Base: How do you resolve Installer (v2) problems - Installation issues?
- Knowledge Base: How do you resolve Installer (v2) problems - Installation file issues?
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