Commercial Editions of Lumion:
If you own a commercial License Key for Lumion then:
If you want to update to the latest of Lumion within the version you have then see these articles:
- Knowledge Base: Are Lumion updates free?
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the latest update of Lumion?
If you want to upgrade to the latest Lumion version then see this article:
- Knowledge Base: How do you upgrade Lumion and your License Key?
The Lumion Trial and Lumion Business (Pro) Trial are always the latest version:
- Knowledge Base: Is there a Trial of Lumion?
Educational license: Educators and faculty administrators:
Please see the details on our website:
- Lumion webpage: Apply for Lumion Educational License Keys
Educational license: Students:
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the latest update of Lumion?
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