The Lumion Account provides several License Key management options depending on the route taken to purchase Lumion. There are four types of Lumion Accounts which give you different possibilities:
a. When your email is registered on the order of the License Key: You have an administrator Lumion Account by default when you create it with the same email address (see sections 1. or 3. for your options depending on where you purchased Lumion from).
b. When your email is not registered on the order of the License Key: You do not have an administrator account when you create your Lumion Account (see sections 2. or 4. for your options depending on where your organization purchased Lumion from).
Sub-sections of Section 1 that are also available features for the other options in Sections 2, 3, and 4 are shown also with a tag, for example "(S2)" denotes that the feature is available for the Section 2 option.
1. If you purchased your Lumion License Key directly from our website and your email address is registered on the order:
1.1: License Keys
Click on the License Keys button to access the summary and details about your License Key(s).
1.2: The My Products section offers the following options
1.2.1: License Key overview list for the three types of available keys: Trial & Edu, Subscriptions, Perpetual Licenses:
Click on the heading link to get a listing of the License Keys for that type:
1.2.2: Possibility to register your License Keys:
Scroll down the page for this button:
1.2.3: Buying and Upgrade options: (S2)(S3)(S4)
1.2.4: Download the latest Lumion version by clicking on the Download Product button:
- Previous versions are available from the 'License Key Details' screen, see Section 1.3.6 below.
1.2.5: Clicking on a License Key row will open the 'Details' page, see Section 1.3.
1.3: License Key Details
Will open a page displaying the following details. Additional details are included if you are an Account Administrator:
1.3.1: Your License Key and Activation Code :
1.3.2: The status of your License Key and the date it was issued. For Subscription Keys you will also see the date due for renewal: (S4)
Note: The Renewal date is not available for users with Perpetual License Keys.
The different statuses of a License Key are explained in the article below:
- Knowledge Base: What does the status of a license in the Lumion Account mean?
For Lumion Standard users, you can also click the 'Upgrade your Subscription' button to upgrade to Lumion Pro.
1.3.3: Changing the number of Seats.
If you are an administrator of the Subscription Key, then the Lumion Account will also allow you to increase the number of Seats, associated with your License Key:
If you wish to reduce the number of Seats then please contact our Customer Care team by clicking on the Contact Us button:
1.3.4: For Subscription Keys, the details of your payment will be displayed. You will also see when your next payment is scheduled if you have the Auto-renew option active. You can edit the payment details by clicking the 'Edit' button: (S2)(S3)(S4)
1.3.5: To cancel or disable the auto-renew option or cancel your Subscription, you can select the 'Cancel subscription' button: (S2)(S3)(S4)
1.3.6: Previous versions are available from the License Key 'Details screen' by clicking 'Previous versions':
1.4: Account details
1.4.1: In this area, you can change your Display Name, First Name, and Last Name.
1.4.2: For security reasons, it's highly recommended that you also set up Two-factor Authentication for your Lumion Account:
1.5: Order History
1.5.1: In this area, you can find your transaction history and download your invoices. (S2)(S3)(S4)
1.6: Useful Links
To our Support, Lumion Community, Tutorials, extensive KnowledgeBase and Contact pages:
Providing access to:
2. If you purchased your Lumion License Key directly from our website and your email address is not registered on the order:
Options and How to Manage:
2.1: Options
All features from Section 1. are available in this type of Lumion Account with the exception of 1.2.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, and 1.5.1.
2.2: How to Manage
To manage any payments, renewals, Seats, or upgrades, please contact your License Key administrator.
3. If you purchased your Lumion License Key via a partner/reseller and your email address is registered on the order:
Options and How to Manage:
3.1: Options
All features from Section 1. are available in this type of Lumion Account with the exception of 1.2.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, and 1.5.1.
3.2: How to Manage
To manage any payments, renewals, Seats, or upgrades, please contact your Local partner/reseller.
4. If you purchased your Lumion License Key via a partner/reseller and your email address is not registered on the order:
Options and How to Manage:
4.1: Options
All features from Section 1. are available in this type of Lumion Account with the exception of 1.2.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, and 1.5.1. Please contact your Local partner/reseller.
4.2: How to Manage
For any other information, please contact your License Key administrator.
If you are having any problems with your Lumion Account, please contact us:
See Also:
- Knowledge Base: What is a Lumion Account?
- Knowledge Base: How do Subscriptions work?
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