Lumion will no longer be available by purchasing a Perpetual License Key as from 14 February 2023, 00:00 (Central European Time (CET), UTC +1),
Our announcement made at the forum, 18 January 2023:
- Lumion Community: The new Lumion License system
As a result, we plan to retire any new Perpetual License sales starting February 14th 2023. While this was not an easy decision to make, we believe that the switch to Subscriptions will set us on a path of more innovation and it renews our commitment to raising the bar with every new release.
Please note that Perpetual License Keys will continue to work as they have until now. However, they will only be available for purchase/upgrade until February 13th 2023.
You are welcome however to purchase Lumion via a Subscription License Key. Here's how:
1. To Purchase a new License Key:
Purchase direct:
- Lumion website: Buy Lumion
or contact our Partner in your region:
- Lumion website: Contact our local Lumion Partner
2. To Upgrade your License Key:
For upgrades of an existing License Key:
- Lumion website: Order your upgrade - Subscription License Key
Any questions on purchasing a Subscription please contact our friendly Customer Care Team:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Customer Care
3. For more Information:
You can also read about Subscriptions here:
- Lumion website: Buy Lumion
(see FAQ at bottom of the page: All you need to know about Lumion
and our comprehensive details:
- Knowledge Base: Subscriptions
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