When you try opening a Project file you created using the Lumion Trial (Lumion Pro Trial edition) you get this message.
1. The Lumion Trial can be installed once on a given PC. After that, the next time you can install a Lumion Trial is when the next minor version of Lumion is released.
2. You are not able to install and use a different Lumion Trial License Key on the same PC once you have already used a Lumion Trial for the current (minor) version.
3. The file is locked to the hardware of the PC that last saved the Project using the initial Pro Trial License Key. This is done to try and ensure the integrity of the product and editions.
4. There are a number of scenarios about the use of a file that you are now trying to open. We wish to help as much as possible. See the Lumion Trial details here.
- Knowledge Base: Is there a Trial of Lumion?
The above preventions are done to protect the integrity and security of the Trial system.
Please contact us so we can advise or assist.:
- Knowledge Base: Contact Lumion Technical Support
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