Lumion 2023.0 is released!
March 13 2023
Since the inception of Lumion, the idea that 3D rendering should be accessible to every architect and designer - regardless of technical background - has propelled us forward. Our aim has always been to provide an easy, fast, and intuitive way of visualizing the future. To empower architects to create without hurdles or hesitation and showcase designs that go beyond form and function to capture hearts and minds.
Lumion’s new render engine ensures that both customers with ray tracing capable graphics cards as well as those who haven’t adopted this capability yet can continue to use the software without disruption or having to sacrifice speed over quality. While ray tracing unlocks the ability to create physically accurate lighting, shadows, and reflections with minimum intervention, Lumion 2023 will still enable a flexible experience to help you achieve your desired result.
Here's everything you need to know
Lumion 2024 was released March 20 2024.
If you have a current, valid Subscription you should be using Lumion 2024. The current version is noted here:
- Knowledge Base: Other Questions for News and Release Information: FAQ
- Knowledge Base: Latest News
We highly recommend that you install Lumion 2024 and discontinue using Lumion 2023. The hardware requirements are the same. There were significant improvements and fixes included in Lumion 2024 that you need to access:
- Knowledge Base: Download Lumion or Lumion Pro
1.1: What's New?
- Lumion website: What's New in Lumion 2023
- Video Tutorials*: Lumion 2023: Video Tutorials
- Knowledge Base: Lumion 2023.0: Release Notes
*Lumion Tutorials
1.2: How do you download Lumion 2023.0?
- Customers with a Lumion 2023.0 Subscription License Key will receive an email with download instructions on the 13th or 14th of March 2023.
- Note that it may take up to 24 hours for the email to arrive.
- Please follow the instructions below if you can't find the email after the 15th of March:
- Knowledge Base: How do you get the email with the Lumion download link?
- As this is a considerably complex update of Lumion, also consult:
1.3: How do you upgrade a Lumion 1-12 License Key to version 2023?
- Lumion website: Upgrade page
1.4: How do you install Lumion 2023?
- Lumion 2023.0 is a standalone installation. It is not a patch for older versions of Lumion.
- Do not uninstall older existing Lumion installations until you have transferred your Projects and models (see below).
- Do not install Lumion 2023.0 in the same folder as an older version of Lumion.
- Ensure that there is plenty of free file space on the PC:
- Knowledge Base: What file space do I need to download and install Lumion?
1.5: How do you transfer old Projects to Lumion 2023?
- Knowledge Base: How do you migrate to a newer version of Lumion?
- Please note that Projects and models saved in version 2023.0 cannot be opened in older versions of Lumion.
- Also, Library Favorites cannot be migrated to Lumion 2023 at this moment. Custom Materials are now possible from version 2023.1.2.
- Knowledge Base: Transitions: How to Set up Lumion 2023 for Good renders
1.6: Is Lumion 2023.0 Viewer available?
- As of Lumion 2023, the Lumion Viewer is no longer in development.
1.7: How do you get a Trial version of Lumion 2023.0 Pro?
- Knowledge Base: Is there a Trial version of Lumion?
1.8: Is Lumion 2023.0 Pro Student available?
Active Student and Faculty License Key holders can upgrade to Lumion 2023, as from 28 March 2023.
For those who do not have a License Key and want to apply then please apply via the website link (below) for Lumion 2023:
Lumion website: Lumion for education - Apply for a free educational license
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